Monday, April 11, 2011

Discrimination Suit: Man Enough

A man whose job it was to make sure men in recovery don't switch their urine for someone else's got fired because he wasn't born with a penis.

TLDEF brought the case, which has now been reported in The New York Times.

So here's how you tell this is discrimination: if a man who had lost his penis in an accident had this job, no one would have fired him for being penis-less. If a man who had hypospadias & had to pee sitting down had this job, likewise. If a man who had a penis that required a catheter for him to pee had this job, he wouldn't have been fired.

THUS: El'Jai Devoureau was fired for being trans. As a culture, we still haven't worked out how wholly incorrect this "genitals at birth determine gender for a lifetime" idea is.

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