Sunday, January 13, 2008

Lambda Lit Nominees

The Lambda Literature Awards have their current nominees' list up in the Transgender category:

* Transparent, Cris Beam (Harcourt)
* Male Bodies, Women's Souls, LeeRay M. Costa, PhD, (Haworth)
* The Marrow's Telling, Eli Clare (Homofactus Press)
* Vienna Dolorosa, Mykola Dementiuk (Synergy Press)
* The First Man-Made Man, Pagan Kennedy (Bloomsbury)
* What Becomes You, Aaron Raz Link & Hilda Raz (University of Nebraska Press)
* Nobody Passes, Mattilda, aka Matt Bernstein Sycamore (Seal Press)
* Scott Free, Marijane Meaker (Carroll & Graf)
* Omnigender: A Trans-Religious Approach, Revised & Expanded, Virginia Ramey Mollenkott (The Pilgrim Press)
* Whipping Girl, Julia Serano (Seal Press)
* Imagining Transgender, David Valentine (Duke University Press)
* Transition and Beyond, Reid Vanderburgh (Q Press)

and I wanted to explain, before anyone asked, that I'm not on that list due to an administrative fuck-up. Seal Press, my publisher, went from 17 employees to 2 this year, and as a result, some things fell through the cracks - including their nomination of She's Not the Man I Married for a Lammy.

& Yes, I'm disappointed, but I also wanted to wish all my friends and peers on the list the best of luck - Julia, Reid, Virginia, Mattilda, & Eli.


helen_boyd said...

Seal Press rocks so hard it's ridiculous. Not only has word come that the first reprint of My Husband Betty has come out with Seal's imprint, but they've apologized for the situation that lead to me being left off the Transgender category nominees' list for the Lambda Literary Awards.

caprice said...

They have just announced that they are overlooking the tardiness of Seal's nomination and Helen's book will be considered.
